Download pit people steam
Download pit people steam

download pit people steam

They released its first trailer a year later, and ran a private beta test in September 2016. The team teased its reveal in August 2014, when it debuted as a playable demo at the PAX Prime exposition.

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While the genre was new for the developer, the game retained their signature style. By 2014, the game had become a 'fast-paced, turn-based, co-op adventure with management and role-playing game elements' in development for Xbox One and Steam. This was a new genre for the company, which had established itself with action games. Behemoth set out to make a team-based game, and developed its strategy gameplay elements over time-the grid-based combat was raised several months into development. Its original arena-centered concept was titled 'Pit People'.

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The new game was designed to continue its predecessor's story, and both prominently feature a 'space bear'. As BattleBlock Theater approached its April 2013 release, the company began work on Pit People under the codename 'Game 4' (the studio's fourth game). The success of their prior games- Alien Hominid, Castle Crashers, and BattleBlock Theater-established their reputation as an indie game developer. The Behemoth, founded in 2003 and based in San Diego, California, is known for making games with offbeat humor and a signature cartoon art style.

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