Tell me why i'm waiting for so long
Tell me why i'm waiting for so long

tell me why i

phrases keep somebody waiting He kept us waiting for half an hour. wait expectantly (=hoping that something good or exciting will happen soon ) He took out his camera and waited expectantly. anxiously All his friends were waiting anxiously for their exam results. impatiently He waited impatiently for a reply. patiently They patiently waited for the rain to stop. wait ages informal esp British English (=wait a long time ) I had to wait ages for a bus. wait long (=wait a long time – used especially in questions or negative sentences ) She did not have to wait long for a train. 8 → be waiting (for somebody) 9 → wait your turn 10 → something is (well) worth waiting for 11 → (just) you wait 12 → what are you waiting for? 13 → what are we waiting for? 14 → wait for it 15 → be waiting in the wings 16 → wait tables 17 → (play) a/the waiting game COLLOCATIONS adverbs wait two hours/ten minutes etc William waited an hour for his sister to arrive. 3 → wait a minute/second/moment etc 4 → somebody can’t wait/can hardly wait 5 → something can/can’t wait 6 → wait and see 7 → wait until/till. wait for somebody/something to do something I’m waiting for him to realize how stupid he’s been. 2 something has not happened EXPECT if you are waiting for something that you expect or hope will happen or arrive, it has not happened or arrived yet ‘Have you heard about the job?’ ‘No, I’m still waiting.’ wait for I’m still waiting for my results. ✗ Don’t say: She waited him to finish speaking.

  • You wait for someone to do something, or for something to happen: She waited for him to finish speaking.
  • You wait for something or someone: I waited for the next bus.
  • tell me why i

    wait to do something Are you waiting to use the phone? keep somebody waiting (=make someone wait, especially by arriving late ) I’m sorry to have kept you waiting. wait (for) three hours/two weeks etc Can you wait for five minutes? We’ve been waiting ages. wait until/till I’ll wait till you come back.

    tell me why i

    I sat waiting patiently for the wedding to end. Would you mind waiting outside? wait for a queue of people waiting for a bus Wait for me! wait for somebody/something to do something She paused, waiting for Myles to say something.

  • S1 W1 verb 1 not go/start something WAIT to stay somewhere or not do something until something else happens, someone arrives etc Hurry up! Everyone’s waiting.
  • From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English ldoce_757_z wait wait 1 / weɪt /

    Tell me why i'm waiting for so long